Friday, December 7, 2012

What Lies Ahead...

This year has been quite the adventure.

As brand new military folk, we loaded up a U-Haul in January and drove the 14 hours to our new home in Washington, D.C.  After baptism by fire into the Marine Corps way of life, it didn't take long for us to fall in love with our first apartment, new church home, and incredible friendships.  Jason stayed very busy studying what it means to be a 2nd Lt in the Marine Corps.  I took some time figuring out what a military wife does; it was certainly different than working my previous three jobs.  After waking up to the reality that I wasn't going to grad school or that military wives have trouble getting hired (due to the fluid nature of their husband's line of work), I embraced the new.  I crash-learned the art of meal making, (poor Jason ate many a lousy meal--what a good sport), practiced my time-management skills of housework (so easy to let everything slide when you don't punch-in in the morning), and turned into the Budget Finances Queen.  I also took a biochem class, took gym classes with other wives, and learned a ton about what ministry in the military looks like.  Because there is often close-knit community among the wives whose husbands are busy training, ministering to other women is like a cake walk.  In the 9 months we were there, God blessed me with the opportunity to disciple 3 young women, lead 4 Bible studies, be discipled myself, and give a Gospel presentation to about six women.  Amazing!  God was Good was in showing me that my time there--without a job or a career goal--was purposeful and life-giving...right at a season of my life when I was really struggling with purpose.  Can I get an Amen!  We also grew a TON in our marriage, fellowship, and walks with God.


We wrapped up our time in Virginia with Jason finishing Infantry training, (Like a rockstar, I might add. For a small idea of what an incredible achievement that is, take a look at this NY Times journalist's slideshow and associated article.)  Shortly after, we got word that Jason was to deploy within the month, so we packed up our stuff into government storage and headed up home to say hello & goodbye to friends and family before making the trek to southern California.

And I had thought that was all an amazing adventure. Until God showed us where He wanted us next.

Two days before departure, we find out that Jason is deploying to Afghanistan as a Platoon Commander.

And I find myself on plane to do 5 months of medical missions in South America.

And here we are!  The purpose of this blog is to keep everyone (including each other) updated on what's happening in our parts of the world.  As bummed as we are to not be home with friends and family during the holidays, we're excited to see what God has planned for us on this next adventure.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support.

Will write again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog Stef. Glad that you created one so we know what's going on over there and Jason as well. Love the photos. Take care, Mom
